How to wear your High Heels with ease… a la Kate Middleton

Hayley Jasper passes on her knowledge about wearing High Heels

When you’re at a party, wedding or in Kate Middleton’s case a royal engagement, it’s not uncommon to be stuck standing up in your heels for hours on end.

Therefore, it’s important to revive your feet every so often to avoid cramp and troublesome sores. Hayley recommends performing these exercises to keep your tootsies in tip-top condition.

“Remove your shoes and place your feet flat on the floor,” she says. “Keeping the ball of the foot down, lift all your toes and stretch them apart as much as you can.

“One by one replace the toes down in turn, starting from the little toe and softly grip the floor with them.”

Once you have mastered that move then: “Point your foot down to the floor, extend the big toe while curling the four other toes under the foot.

“Gently press down through the foot as if you are trying to make a ‘thumbprint’ with your big toe and hold for 30 seconds. This may be uncomfortable but should not cause pain.

“Reverse this stretch and curl the big toe under and stretch the other four toes out in front.”

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