Knee pain when climbing

November 27, 2019

Hi Guru,

I have a pain behind my right leg kneecap, which I only feel when I climb stairs or walk up steep ground.

Its been hanging around for some months now, and while its not too severe it doesn’t seem to be going of its own accord. I wouldn’t want it to prevent the mountain walking that I love to experience.

As far as I can remember I’ve never suffered any specific knee injury or trauma.

Any suggestions as to how I can resolve the problem?

Thank you

November 27, 2019

Hi Steve

You’ve describing some pretty classic symptoms of somebody who’s got an issue with the way your knee cap moves across the front of your knee (or vica versa!) and is easily remedied with some decent rehab and sensible loading.

You can tape your knee to help temporarily get rid of the pain:


Or you can start to improve your gluteal function to help control your knee cap movement like these 2:



Have a go of the above for the next few weeks and see how you go.

The Guru

Guru Responded

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