The Guru agrees that Holly is suffering from whiplash after her boxing match

November 18, 2015

Hi Guru,

I participated in a charity boxing event on Saturday and felt fine the Sunday morning. however, Monday morning was a different story as i woke up and couldn’t move my neck. My shoulders and neck are in so much pain and it is agony to move my head to look in any direction. i do not recall being punched in the face but amongst all of the excitement and the adrenaline it was most likely that i took a few blows.

Is this whiplash and how can i help the pain and loosen up my neck? waking in the morning is unbearable at the minute.

Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

November 18, 2015

Hi Holly

Yup – this is whiplash, or at least of type. Give it a few days and you’ll be good to go.

In the meantime keep moving, gentle stretches through range, heat and anti inflams (if you can). Certainly don’t overstretch – no matter how good it may feel…

The Guru

Guru Responded

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